Sunday, March 23, 2008

News from National

Singing the Praises of our "Unsung Heroes"

A new feature has been introduced in the Winter 2008 NARGS Bulletin Board (supplement to the Rock Garden Quarterly). Writes NARGS President Dick Bartlett:

[NARGS] is a fantastic and interesting society with a wide collection of unique and dedicated gardeners. We like to think of ourselves as a special kind of gardeners who are interested in the difficult to grow and rare and unusual plants. But there is another aspect to our society, which we need to be aware of. Our society contains many individuals who are also dedicated to their particular chapters. Although sometimes recognized with chapter awards, they deserve special recognition by our entire society.
Hence the creation of this new feature. Anyone is invited to profile and recognize individuals from their Chapter who deserve recognition for their dedication to the work they do to keep the local Chapter going and thriving.

Submit your “unsung hero” story to Dick Bartlett at

NARGS Bulletin Board goes electronic

In an effort to provide more frequent communications, the NARGS Bulletin is now posted on the NARGS website and its paper-copy version is gradually being phased out. Visit "From the President" ( to keep abreast of news from our parent organization.

Why not join NARGS National?

Membership in the National NARGS may be one of the best $30 bargains to be found! Membership gives you a subscription to the Rock Garden Quarterly, eligibility to participate in the rock garden Seed Exchange, and discount rates on plant books. Any titles published by Timber/Workman Press, whether they are listed on the NARGS website or not, are available to NARGS members through the Book Service at 20% off retail.

Of course, all of us in our local Chapter receive the benefit of the speaker tours which bring renown plantspeople from the world over to bring us programs - something we could never afford to do on our own. Lastly, with your membership you join a national and international network of gardeners and help secure this amazing organization for the future.

Membership is just a click away, so check it out:

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